..and a happy new year!
Let me be among the first to wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2014! This is always an odd time of the year, to me, anyway. We're now beyond the hustle and bustle of Christmas, which is wonderful because of the occasions we have to see people that we care about and that we may not see as frequently as we'd like. Most non-retail businesses are in kind of a holding pattern, as no one wants to get into anything major until the new year. And with Christmas and New Year's occurring on Wednesday this year, most business things will actually wait until next Monday, January 6, which starts the first FULL week of the new year. So, did you have a nice holiday? See folks you wanted (or even needed) to see? Were you able to find that 'special' gift for each of those on your holiday shopping list? I'm fortunate that I can say "yes" to all of those questions, so I hope that you are, too. Not such a happy new year to all of the NFL coaches who were ...