Already here

Good morning, one and all.

Woke up to a very pretty layer of snow on the lawn this morning, although there's not enough to cause road problems, even here in bad-weather-challenged central Kentucky.  It IS November, after all!

Was talking with my daughter last night and she mentioned that she has a couple of friends who went to Walt Disney World this week or last week.  Apparently all said that the weather was much more agreeable than during our week there recently, less hot and humid.  Also, my daughter indicated that according to her Disney Experience smartphone app (I had this while we were there but deleted it as we left Orlando), the wait times for various popular rides and attractions were a fraction of what we experienced!

Since our return from vacation I can add another worthwhile skill to my portfolio....product tester.  My friends at Colonel Littleton asked me to use and evaluate a couple of their new products, and offer my opinions of them.  So I spent a couple of weeks with these items, one a product for a tablet computer and the other a larger version of a phone holster I already own.  I recorded my observations, good and not so good, and supplied them to the Colonel's marketing department.  Since the holidays are coming, take an online stroll and visit to see some unique gift items for folks in your life or for yourself!

Speaking of the holidays, my wife and I just spent a little time over the weekend doing a little planning of our shopping for family and friends.  Gotta have a plan, you know.  And, in my case, having a budget is useful, too, although it's kinda hard to stick strictly to it when you're doing for people you love!  But we have some ideas now, and will be doing the shopping thing gradually over the next two or three weeks.

And I'm a little disappointed that the mass retailers can't wait to open their doors for sales and events, so desperate are they to make their sales goals.  Now the biggies are going to open Thansgiving evening at 6:00 or so.  Suppose it's understandable and inevitable, but it still bothers me a bit.

Thanksgiving is coming, too, lest we forget, and already we're seeing signs all over Lexington of hotels and select restaurants that are serving Thanksgiving dinner.  One of the better things we have seen is by an upscale steakhouse group with three locations.  Apparently they're having a "complimentary Thanksgiving dinner" for "those less fortunate" at their main location on Thanksgiving Day.  Wonderful way to give back to the community.

We actually went to volunteer at one of the larger functions of that type one year, and they were so overrun with volunteers that no one knew what we could do to help.  So since then we've contributed financially to a couple of causes that serve our location community, as our dollars are probably more helpful than our time.

Have a good day, and try not to break anything.


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