Twenty questions

Good morning to one and all....thanks once again for stopping by.

We're in full holiday prep mode at my house, and you may well be in that state yourself.  So as a slight diversion from that, here are twenty questions, some with actual answers, other rhetorical, that should tickle your brain a bit....

Does anyone know why Santa Claus is fat?  I don't think I've ever heard, not even in the old stop-motion animation "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" television special....

Who's with me in being sick of references to Black Friday, nearly two weeks AFTER Black Friday?

Are we in another one of those years when every contemporary recording artist releases a mediocre Christmas music album?

Why are people being so negative about NBC's live presentation of "The Sound of Music" last week?  I watched it with my wife and thought it was actually pretty good, given the performers could not go back and do scenes again, as they could have if it had been recorded.

Why do we care about the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in New York?  My wife was very eager to see this, always is.

Why is such a big deal being made out of one man shaking the hand of another whom he did not know until that moment?  At a funeral?

Word is that President and Mrs. Obama were accompanied by former President George W. Bush and his wife and by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on their trip to South Africa to pay their respects to the late Nelson Mandela.  Wouldn't you love to have been a fly on the wall for that flight?

And is Hillary running for president in 2016?  I can't quite tell....

Now that the General Motors stock owned by the federal government has been sold, and they're naming a woman as their next CEO, does that make you more or less likely to buy one of their cars?

Agreeing with one of the folks I follow on Twitter, is there a worse winter weather term than "wintry mix?"

Why do people still go bananas at the prospect of bad weather and all run to the grocery for milk and bread?  Do they not have other food in the house?

How great is it that Pope Francis is sneaking out of the Vatican at night to minister to the poor of Rome?

Why are we, as a society, more geared to giving to the poor and homeless during the holidays, when these people need our help all of the time?

And why do celebrities get involved in "causes" overseas, when there are plenty of people who need assistance in our own country?

Now that the city of Detroit has filed for bankruptcy, will this become the model of how city and county and other public entities minimize their exposure for having an underfunded pension model?

And has everyone forgotten that New York City went through bankruptcy in 1975?

Who's going to see "Anchorman 2" that didn't see the original mediocre movie?  I thought so.  That will answer my next question:

Who thinks Will Ferrell is funny?

Why can't we just buy subscriptions to the cable TV channels we watch, instead of having all 188?

And, finally, are you going to have a Merry Christmas?


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