Weather or not

Hope today's entry finds you well.

Here in the central Kentucky area we were very fortunate not to have been affected by the recent spate of severe weather that struck about a dozen states.  My mother-in-law's home county in western Kentucky saw some heavy winds but none close to where she lives, thankfully.  And while I don't know anyone in Illinois who was affected, here's hoping those who were can find some positives in their current circumstances.

Now it's cooler again, which I suppose is appropriate for mid-November, but after seeing high temperatures in the mid 60's recently, it's a bit of an adjustment.

And nightly I feel just awful for those in the Philippines whose home area was ravaged by the recent typhoon there, as I watch the latest news reports about relief and recovery efforts there.  The company for whom I work, along with many, many other American entities, have some business installations in the Manila area, and from all reports that area wasn't heavily affected.

I'm not participating in Movember, where men don't shave to call attention to specific men's health issues.  But I've enjoyed watching the men of the Today Show let their beards grow.  Matt Lauer's looks the best, in my opinion.  I'm sure he and Al Roker are both a little wistful that their facial hair so heavily overpowers their lack of HEAD hair.  Our son usually is a participant in this or Septembeard, which I believe is a little bit similar.  This year his growth was during September.

Listening to Elton John's latest, entitled "The Diving Board," as I write this entry.  Probably among Elton's best in quite some time, and in the same vein as his joint effort with Leon Russell a couple of years ago.  Check it out if you're a fan.  Unless, that is, you don't like "sleepy music," as my granddaughter characterizes nearly anything that isn't very uptempo!

Giving in and going along with the holiday spirit, as my wife and I have already begun to discuss the holiday shopping lists, Christmas card lists (shorter each year, as I've written in the past) and charitable contributions.  The latter has changed a little with the typhoon, but we usually manage to give to a local rescue organization, knowing that the money we contribute stays in our home community.

I just booked a business trip to Philadelphia in early December.  Amazingly, airfares from the Louisville airport, some 70 miles away, were about $400 less expensive than those from my home airport in Lexington or the Cincinnati airport (which is actually in northern Kentucky).  Not sure what they're doing there that the other two airports are not, but my company requires the least expensive airfare, so it's a flight from Louisville again for this trip.

My wife and I will be traveling closer to the holidays, as we're going to be with our daughter and her family in Colorado for Christmas this year.  Always interesting to be in airports that close to a major holiday, and I'm sure that this year will be no exception.

Have to hand it to Kentucky's first-year football coaching staff.  The team is now 2-8 with two games to play, and the players are still playing hard and giving a great effort and the coaches routinely express frustration that this effort isn't paying off with wins.  It's a shame, but they apparently just aren't talented enough to be competitive in many of their games.

Not so for the men's basketball team from Kentucky, off to a pretty good start, despite losing to an older and more experienced Michigan State team last week.  A bunch of freshmen, again, but by the spring they will most likely become a substantial force in college basketball.

Stay out of trouble!


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