I love
I’m dating myself with this, but there was a modestly
popular song back in the early to mid-70’s by a journeyman country
singer/songwriter named Tom T. Hall by the name that today’s post also
bears. His tune went through a list of
what he liked about his life and life in general, and each verse ended with “and
I love you, too.” All very nice.
Driving to work one morning this week, that tune popped into
my head, and I thought, how great would it be if we ALL took a few minutes to
think about the aspects of our lives that are good and positive and uplifting….people
and things and circumstances that we LOVE.
So here goes, without an effort to rhyme or set to music:
I love:
My wife
My kids
Their families, but especially THEIR kids
My friends (well, some of them, anyway)
Cincinnati Reds baseball
Golf (playing more than watching)
University of Kentucky basketball and football
Movies (my tastes are well documented here and in my
Music (ditto)
A good book, one that you cannot put down
Now, a few of the everyday things that I find that I love….
Preparing a delicious meal for my wife and others
Mowing my lawn and being happy with the way it looks
Hearing my grandchildren laugh
Hearing my wife laugh at something I’ve said or done
An ice cold beer at the ballpark with my son
Talking with my daughter on the phone, keeping her close
even though she’s really not nearby
A friendly wave to let you into the line in traffic
Positive acknowledgement that you’ve done the same for
another driver
A quick “thank you” when you hold the door for someone
Friendly food servers, cashiers, customer service folks
The way that my Apple products work (can’t quite identify
why this is, but it feels good)
Life is good, friends.
Enjoy it.
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