Yet again

I'm sure you've read, heard or seen the news of the latest school shooting, at the STEM Schools in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, a Denver suburb.  One student died, others wounded and some injured seriously.

And this comes on the heels of another campus shooting, this one at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on their last day of classes.

And America shrugs, knowing that no one in authority will do anything to prevent this from happening again.  And again and again and again.

I honestly don't know the answer to this.  I've written in this space that I thought Newtown would be the breaking point.  Then I remember saying the outdoor concert shooting in Las Vegas would prompt some action, or the Pulse nightclub shootings in central Florida.  Or the events at Parkland, Florida.

No.  Nothing's been done, and nothing will likely BE done.

Bravo to the retailers who have taken matters into their own hands and discontinued certain styles of weapons that are popular with perpetrators of this kind of madness.  But that's just the start.

I'll say again that we're the only "civilized" country that has this kind of gun violence issue.

I have family members who live not far away from the site of yesterday's shootings.  But for a small amount of geography, two of my grandchildren could just as easily have been at this school instead of the one they attend.

None of that matters.  We as a country have to keep pressing our elected officials to do the right thing and do something meaningful to keep weapons out of the hands of those who should not possess them.  What that would be, I do not know.

But there has to be something.  The next time it might be someone you know.  Or someone close to me.


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