History repeats itself

Friends, there's no good way to say this....yesterday I was unexpectedly and suddenly separated from my job.


I began this particular venture just over two months ago, with high hopes and confidence in my ability to make a difference.  But in the end, my contribution wasn't enough to override the senior management that entered the situation between my acceptance of this position and my first day on the job.

I was told that "senior management" had determined that locations the size of the one I worked for in Lexington could not financially support positions like mine, so the positions were being eliminated.


Here we go again.

So once again I reenter the career search process, the networking, the chasing down of leads of varying quality and validity, the indifference of employers who advertise their openings but yet don't want to invest any time in the candidate contact necessary to responsibly manage the process.

But I'll do it, and I'll do it the best I can, because I must.  And I'll succeed.

Check back with me and I'll keep everyone updated in a general, non-specific way.


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