The last word

It's Thursday and I hope that wherever you live there have not been adverse weather conditions affecting you and yours....

Yesterday I was in the middle of some yard work when I saw the news flash on my watch--Special Counsel Robert Mueller was to address the media, with the actual subject unknown.

After finishing what I needed to complete, I watched some excerpts and analysis and must say, that's how one has the last word.  He spoke directly, factually and definitively.  I'm paraphrasing, but at some point he indicated that this would be the last and only time he would speak publicly about the investigation he led for approximately two years.

And then the pundits returned to reading the tea leaves, as they've done for, well, two years.

What happens next?  Hard to say, since the Democrats who control the House could easily bring impeachment proceedings against the President, but they would do so knowing full well that the Republicans who control the Senate (where any impeachment trial would take place) would never allow a conviction.

So we go on, with the ballot box the likely mechanism to decide who should lead our country going forward.

In other news....

Do you find the story of the hiker in Hawaii who was found alive after two weeks to be an uplifting story?  Or, like me, do you find it just a little suspicious?  I checked in with a friend who is an avid hiker and she also felt that it was a little odd in some respects.  And if there's a rapid effort to agree to a book and/or movie deal, well, I suppose we'll know.

A little girl was injured, but thankfully not seriously, at a baseball game in Houston last night, as she was struck by a sharply hit foul ball.  The amount of protective netting has been creeping around the sides of some parks for a while, but I think it's time to install netting from foul pole to foul pole.  Only way to be sure.  I try to pay attention, but baseball games last three hours in general, and there's a lot of opportunity for distraction during such a long span.  Professional hockey finally came to terms with something similar, and now there are nets protecting fans from errant shots in each end.  Baseball should follow suit.

Speaking of baseball, the Reds continue their one step forward, one back progression, flirting with the .500 mark but never quite making it.  The team is hitting much better, so that's welcome.

And Kentucky's basketball team welcomed back two of its players from last year, as they elected not to go forward in the NBA player draft.  They'll find what most returnees to Kentucky find--their skills improve in the successive year and their professional fortunes do, too.

My career search continues, with some progress and some very interesting conversations along the way.  I've come into contact with one company whose business is entirely outside of my career history, yet we have mutual interest.  And there are a couple of other possibilities that I'm exploring.  So I have reason for optimism.

Have a good day and a good weekend!


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