
Good Tuesday morning to everyone.

Today is primary election day here in Kentucky, unless you're a Republican, in which case you've already gotten to do this once.  Yes, the Commonwealth of Kentucky's Republican Party opted to separate the Republican presidential primary from the "rest" of the primary ballot.  Reason?  So that current Republican Senator Rand Paul could simultaneously run for President and for reelection to his Senate seat in the same year.  Good thing, too, since we all know what happened to his bid for the Presidency.

This is always a strange time, when Kentucky is mentioned in the national news for having politicians conduct rallies here and not for a natural disaster or for the Kentucky Derby.  We've had Trump, all of the Clintons, Sanders and a few other surrogates and such visit in the last few weeks.

My wife and I are planning to vote, and we have a grand total of three things to vote on:  President, Senate and House of Representatives.  So it shouldn't take long once we're in the voting booth.  And it's been raining all night, which means that turnout will be lighter than if the weather was good.

I'm still pretty amazed that Donald Trump is the last candidate standing for the Republicans.  In the past week, it came out that he may have posed as his own spokesperson with People magazine and other media outlets some years ago, talking about who "Mr. Trump" was dating, etc.  He's also appointed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who now always appears with Trump at his New York-based public appearances, as his "transition chief," which is a little premature.  I suppose we now see what name recognition over substance can do for a candidate for high office.

Unfortunately, I already recognize that this will be a LOOOOOONG season for my Cincinnati Reds and its diehard fans.  Blew a four run lead last night against the equally lowly Cleveland Indians, for example, and the overworked and undertalented bullpen allowed a one run Cleveland lead to become a nine-run loss.  And as their beleaguered manager told the media after last night's game, the cavalry is not on its way, so this will likely continue for the time being.

Admittedly, the Reds playing competitive baseball for the season was a long shot, with numerous contributing players having been traded since mid-season last year, but after having numerous pitchers go down during spring training, and other injured players requiring longer to recover, the die was cast.  Have to say that after the first week of undefeated baseball, it looked like it might be possible for the Reds to defy predictions, but they've now settled into the level of play that they probably were destined for.  And that's a shame.  They have only won three times away from Cincinnati.

Remember my long strange trip to California a few weeks ago for a job interview?  I've fully recovered from the oddities of the trip itself, but about a week later got word that the company opted to pursue another candidate.  I asked them if they could identify where I came up short, for future reference, and never got a reply.  Oh, well.  Since that time I have moved forward with another company with whom I had a phone interview right after that, and have cultivated two or three more specific targets.

Allow me to end today's thoughts by saying that I am truly sick of rain.  As I mentioned earlier, it rained all night and is due to rain most of the day today.  A golf game Sunday was affected by previous heavy rains which had made a mess of the course, and the wind bringing in our current weather pattern was a problem, too.  And I just know that we'll be begging for rain in, oh, about two months.


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