The beat goes on

Good Tuesday to all.  We finally cracked the freezing mark here in central Kentucky yesterday and it's due to be even warmer (and wetter) as the week wears on.

A good friend in northern California reported that the main reservoir for the Sacramento area has risen an astonishing twelve feet since that area started seeing some big weather systems moving in and through.  Let's be glad, those folks seem to never get a break.
Broken is the right word for the famous "tunnel tree" in Calaveras Big Trees State Park.  You know, it's the one that someone literally cut a tunnel through the base of the trunk many years ago.  Anyway, it was weakened by the recent heavy rains in the area and fell in the last day or two.  Another iconic symbol gone.

Speaking of icons, let's give acclaimed actress Meryl Streep some credit for saying what many have been thinking.  Politics aside, her message should resonate with everyone.  I'm quoting here: 

“Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.”

Well said.  Sad that we've moved so far away from the "please" and "thank you" and "yes, ma'am" of my youth, let alone respecting the opinions of others.

Here's a shocker:  the Alabama Crimson Tide lost the collegiate National Championship game to the Clemson Tigers last night 35-31.  I missed the entire second half, because I didn't want to try to watch a football game that dragged on for well over four hours.  And people complain about the pace of play in baseball....

Not so shocking is that these Cabinet confirmation hearings that started today will be rather contentious.  The fact that a good percentage of the nominees did not complete their required ethics paperwork for vetting purposes is problematic, but ultimately all of these people will likely be approved for the positions for which the President-Elect chose them.

The PEOTUS is due to have a press conference tomorrow.  What he's asked about and what he'll discuss are likely two separate sets of topics, but we'll just have to wait and see.  Yesterday it was announced that he has appointed his son-in-law as Senior Advisor to the President.  All in the family.

I read online this morning that the CEO of Yahoo, Melissa Mayer, will be departing that company once the sale of it to Verizon is completed.  And that means we will no longer be reading about her abbreviated maternity leaves, or her reflections of the necessity of pulling an all-nighter occasionally to move a project forward.  

Suppose I should move a couple of my projects forward and sign off.  Hope the weather is agreeable where you are!


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