That didn't take long

Good Monday morning to everyone.

We're again in the midst of what promises to be a lengthy stretch of rain and foul weather here in Lexington.  Warm temperatures and lots of moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, and that produces rain.  And lots of it, judging by what's happening outside.  Luckily we have not been part of the devastation in the south, as there were numerous tornadoes and storms that resulted in massive property damage and loss of life.  Here's hoping those affected get a break in the weather to regroup.

I was not in Washington over the weekend and attempted to avoid Friday's Presidential inauguration and accompanying events, but wound up hearing most of our new President's speech.  Since that time there has been an expected war of words between the Trump Administration and the media about the size of the crowd at Friday's ceremony, whether Mr. Trump had removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office, whether Mr. Trump should or will release his income tax returns, discussion of "alternative facts," and whether or not Mr. Trump likes and trusts the CIA.

Remember, the Trump Administration officially began last Friday at noon.

Last night I read that a citizens' group is suing the new President over the emoluments clause in our Constitution, and that the Administration's new National Security Adviser is now under investigation by most every national security agency of this country, the result of a string of phone calls between himself and contacts in the Russian government.  There is also the issue of an elected official being permitted to hold a lease on a government building, as Mr. Trump and his company are leasing the Old Post Office building in Washington which houses the Trump International Hotel.  I also noted that two prominent Republican Senators, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have now indicated that they support the President's nominee to be Secretary of State, the former Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

Am I gloating?  No.  Am I happy to see all of this?  No.  Am I surprised?  Not in the slightest.

This confrontational and combative tone was prevalent throughout the long, LONG campaign, and continues now, unabated.  The Trump team of advisors and surrogates who make the rounds on the Sunday political shows all make the case that their conduct and approach is necessary, since they're fighting press distortion and misinformation.

This may get better.  But this also could get much, much worse.  Only time will tell.....


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