Another long, strange trip

Good day, one and all.  I write to you from the heart of southeastern Kentucky, London, to be exact.  I am here in this locale today to conduct some meetings for my company and am writing this on my well-deserved lunch break.

The London area is only about an hour from my home base of Lexington, but I elected to come down here last night, just in case.  My plans were justified to an extent as I encountered some road-construction-related delays last night during my trip to the area.  I would not have wanted to have begun my workday this morning by sitting in traffic, wondering if I would make it to my first appointment on time!

Things are a little strange with work right now.  We started out in May with a team of three people to handle a given amount of work.  Through various circumstances, my two associates have left the company, leaving only me for the moment.  Replacement staff is on the way, as is an additional team member, but it may be a while before they're in a position to be productive.  So it's catch as catch can for now, lots of meetings and activities in the field.  I enjoy all of the interpersonal contact, to be sure, but anything can be a grind if you do it too frequently.  I will probably be pretty close to my saturation point by the time that our new people are fully able to contribute!

Conversely, the Cincinnati Reds appear to be going nowhere fast, much to my disappointment.  They have simply not played well since the mid-point of the current season, and are now well out of real contention.  The white flag move appeared to have come over the weekend, when the team traded a key member of the bullpen for players to be named later.  The explanation at the time was that it would free up much-needed salary space to sign some of their existing players to new contracts.  But they traded this player to another team in their own division, so that tells me it was more about moving this player and his contract than any other factor.  Wait 'til next year, as they say....

Kentucky started their football season with a bang on Saturday, scoring 59 points on a hapless University of Tennessee-Martin team.  Another lesser opponent this weekend, then the REAL test begins with conference play.  We'll see how well they hold up then.

Less baseball lately has resulted in some different viewing habits at home, and we've been through some of the archives for entertainment recently.  We've watched all three "Jurassic Park" flicks, all good (though the third one is my least favorite).  Also watched three of the four Batman pictures that predate Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" masterwork trilogy.  My wife simply will NOT watch "Batman Returns," as it features Danny DeVito as the Penguin.  Too gross, she says.  And Michelle Pfeiffer's nice work as the Catwoman apparently does not offset that feeling.  They weren't bad upon revisiting, but none hold a candle to the gritty realism and tension that the "Dark Knight" films convey.

We will probably watch "Ghostbusters" sometime soon, too, since it was just rereleased into theaters. I remember when that came out--had never seen anything quite like it.  The "action comedy" became a staple of American cinema for a while thereafter.

We've had some really strange weather lately.  Lots of rain, which we normally don't see in August or early September.  Grass is green and growing, instead of the earthy color we normally have by this point.  I'll bet the winter will be most unforgiving this year.....

My son is celebrating a birthday today.  He reads this diatribe periodically, so I'll add my birthday wishes for him here, too!

Lunch break is just about over, so I suppose I should get back to work.  Have a good (and hopefully short) week!


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