Winning....or is that "whining"?

Wouldn't it be funny if they had a Republican Presidential debate and a slap fight broke out?

That just about happened in Tampa last night, as we finally saw Mitt Romney not just stand there with a placid expression while his opponents pile on him.  No, he apparently doesn't like Newt Gingrich (joining a long list of others, it would seem), and especially didn't like how Gingrich won the South Carolina primary.  So Mitt went on the offensive last night, poking Newt on his relationship with Freddie Mac and the unceremonious end to his role as Speaker of the House in the late 90s.  I honestly thought the two "statesmen" were going to roll around in the mud before it was over, but decorum reigned and order maintained.  But it's getting uglier by the minute, and now that Romney has finally released a couple of years of tax returns (and revealed that he made nearly $43 million over the past two years, all legally), Gingrich will probably continue his attack that Romney can't identify with the common man.  But neither can Gingrich, with his multi-million dollar consulting arrangements, Tiffany's lines of credit, etc.

Speaking of winners and losers, you have to feel at least a little bad for the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers, as both lost in their respective conference championship games Sunday.  The Ravens missed a last-second field goal that would have sent their game with the New England Patriots into overtime, and the 49ers mishandled two punts, allowing the New York Giants to win in overtime and advance to this year's Super Bowl.  Such is the nature of athletic competition, I suppose.

The Academy Award nominations were just announced a few minutes ago, and, once again, I don't know that I have seen ANYTHING that was nominated.  OK, I have to admit that one film that received an acting nod, called "A Better Life," was shown on a flight to Arizona in December, but the subject didn't interest me and I didn't watch.  I did read the book upon which "Moneyball" was based, but I have a feeling that the subject matter was heavily dramatized.

Kentuckian George Clooney was honored with a Best Actor nod for "The Descendants" and also for a screenplay nomination for his political film "The Ides of March."  So I want to see both of those pictures, and, on the recommendation of a couple of friends, will probably see "Moneyball" and "War Horse," Steven Spielberg's World War I film, but I haven't seen any of the major nominees.

Finally, here in Kentucky all is right in the world, as our beloved men's basketball team is currently ranked #1 in the most recent polls.  The Wildcats won their last game on Saturday, but didn't look great doing it.  Funny that HOW the Cats win is as important to local fans as WHETHER they win, as there's been a lot of "what's wrong with the boys?" talk in my home area.  Enjoy it, folks, it never lasts.


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