Back to the usual

Well, friends, the holidays are over.  We put away our Christmas decorations over the weekend, and now everyone in the family is back to work and school.  Sigh.....

But it's a new year, and with it comes some new circumstances.  For instance, here in central Kentucky, we've experienced a lengthy period of unseasonably warm weather.  Last week the temperature dipped to what one would expect for late December, finally, and this morning I awoke to see some snow flurries out our living room window.  Not a lot of snow, of course, but snow nonetheless.  I recall going out for lunch Christmas Eve and trying to decide whether to wear pants or shorts, if that tells you anything.

At least it's not raining.  Our area had more than enough rain during November and December, thank you very much.  We didn't experience any flooding in our area, but I know of areas that did.

So, today we round the corner, turn over a new leaf, start a new chapter, whatever you like.  When New Year's Day falls right before a weekend, as it did this year, it's kind of strange to kick off any new initiatives until the following Monday, and that's today.  I have already outlined my intentions to some degree so won't take up space recapping them here.

The Denver Broncos appeared to have done the same yesterday.  With about five minutes left in the third quarter of their regular season finale against the San Diego Chargers (who may well be playing in Los Angeles next season), their leadership decided that aging Peyton Manning was, after all, the right quarterback to lead the team.  The Chargers were stubbornly ahead in this game and the Broncos had a lot riding on the outcome.  Manning entered the game and engineered four scoring drives (not all with passes, mind you, but the offense clearly played better when he joined the action) and secured a win for the Broncos.  This means that they will have an off week during the first week of the playoffs, but more importantly they will play their next two rounds of the playoffs at home.  Huge advantage, of course, especially with the altitude-related issues that visiting opponent regularly face.

The Kentucky basketball team displayed some altitude of their own Saturday night, dismantling a game group from Ole Miss (the University of Mississippi to the uninitiated) by a score that really did not reflect how one-sided this game is.  The Kentucky group just emerged from an annual event called "Camp Cal," in which head coach John Calipari takes full advantage of the lifted restrictions on practice time between semesters.  The team was apparently practicing as often as three times per day during the past week or more, and it really showed.  Hope they can keep it up.

The presidential campaign continues to get nastier, but I won't go into that here.  But it promises to get worse, unfortunately.

Oh, and my wife and I saw the new "Star Wars" movie with our son and his kids and a visiting nephew.  Good stuff, lots of fun, and very entertaining.  We also bought and watched "The Martian," wherein astronaut/scientist Matt Damon is accidentally stranded on Mars.  That was also quite entertaining!

Well, since I'm back to work this morning, I suppose I should get BACK TO WORK.

Have a good week.


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