Current conditions

Happy Monday, everyone.  Here's hoping that you had a good weekend.

I want to start by indirectly mentioning a good friend who got some great news last week.  He and I were colleagues (I was his manager) a few years back and formed a friendship through common interests.  Anyway, he was displaced from a long-term employment situation some months ago.  He dutifully trolled the marketplace for new opportunities, cultivated one such possibility but courageously declined it because it just didn't feel right, but ended up getting the job he's wanted for a long time last week.  He starts that job soon, and I know that I speak for many friends in common when I say how happy I am for him!

As regular visitors know, I don't talk much about my own work here.  And it's a good thing, too, as that would probably be the dominant theme of this and many posts.  Let's just say that it's good to have a job and leave it at that.

My wife and I have apparently finished our holiday shopping.  We found the last items online over the weekend (hard to find, these were) and that finished off the list.  But we've overshot our budget, such as it is, by quite a bit.  Not a ruinous overage, mind you, but our planning didn't really help us here.  But it IS good to be finished!

We were out and about briefly Friday and Saturday and while there were lots of people also out, it wasn't as chaotic as it will be soon enough.  Traffic was a little worse than usual, and parking at more of a premium.

The main thing I feel right now is that the weather doesn't really feel like Christmastime.  Here in Kentucky we have a temperate climate, so not a lot of cold weather this time of year.  So it often doesn't FEEL much like Christmas here.  Rainy today but it's supposed to be clearer with temperatures in the 60s later in the week.  My friends in California will feel at home with that, but those in colder areas would not.

And with the house already decorated, thanks to our efforts of the previous week, we can enjoy the holidays.  For us, that will include some pre-kindergarten or preschool events, which are always a lot of fun.

So it's all good, at least for now.  Be well, be careful, and be patient as you shop for that perfect gift for a special family member or friend!


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