Turning ten far from home

Greetings and happy Wednesday!  Hope the week is going OK thus far.  All downhill from here, you know.

Today's our granddaughter's tenth birthday.  And while I don't often recognize my grandkids directly here, I think this warrants some special consideration.

You see, this granddaughter lives in Colorado with her mom (our daughter), dad and younger brother.  And they're in Colorado, and she's here in central Kentucky with my wife and me.  This was due to a quirk in scheduling.  Last summer she was here for a while and then her family came to Kentucky for their annual vacation visit, and she returned home with them.

This year, though, because of some other family events, she's here AFTER their visit.  Which means she's away from her immediate family for a milestone birthday like this one.  Adding to it is that our son and his family, including our two other grandkids, are on THEIR annual vacation to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

So it's just Gram and me to celebrate with her.

Plans for today are somewhat fluid, as one would expect.  I have a midday meeting today, so I'll miss some of the fun, but so far it appears that the birthday girl and her Gram will be visiting the local Krispy Kreme doughnut shop to watch some of those goodies being made and partake for breakfast.  There's also a facial appointment at my wife's cosmetics source (to be performed by the tiny, adorable store manager, who simply LOVES my wife!) and then lunch at the Cracker Barrel.

[Full disclosure---the Barrel is not among my favorite places to eat.  I'll go if necessary, but rarely by choice.  But I would have gone for our granddaughter today, as she loves their chicken pot pie, and it's only served at lunch on Wednesdays.]

Then I'm not sure what the plans may be.  I do know that the dinner site that the birthday girl selected is Red Robin, the "gourmet burgers and brews" place that has been her favorite since she was a very little girl.  I like that place once in a while, too, as I love a good burger.  Plus there are unlimited steak fries, which is never a bad thing.  We may or may not have them make over her there, as she embarrasses easily.

My wife and I decorated last night, huge banner in the kitchen.  Her gift from us is a new pair of earrings (she had a problem with one of her pierced ears early in her visit, but thanks to some quick thinking by Gram that was resolved pretty quickly), a special cake and a pinada to break open!  Poppy has to figure out where to deploy said pinada, but I think that I can hang it safely in the garage at party time and let the birthday girl take her swings at it without busting up the joint too much.

Oh, and she finally lost a loose tooth last night, too, so the Tooth Fairy also visited in the night!

So I'm enjoying a little quiet before things get rolling here.  Join me in wishing our granddaughter a very happy TENTH birthday!


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