Sprung forward

Good morning, folks.  Hope that the week is going well wherever you are!

I don't think I'm in the minority when I state that I have had a difficult time adjusting to our "new" time, with Daylight Saving Time going into effect over the weekend.  Had significant difficulty sleeping the first couple of nights, and have had a couple of especially busy workdays since.  I slept better last night, so I'm hopeful that my biorhythms are getting into sync.

Unless you're totally disinterested in sports, you likely know that the University of Kentucky men's basketball team just completed their regular season undefeated.  That's quite an accomplishment in this day and age, since television contracts demand that major college sports be played on odd days and at unusual hours.  Plus, the Southeastern Conference is a lot bigger geographically than it used to be, having now included schools from Texas and Missouri.  Next step for the Cats is a trip to Nashville for the SEC tournament this week.  Because of their regular season performance the team gets a bye into the Friday round, and they'll play in front of a largely partisan crowd, since the Music City is relatively close to the Commonwealth.  Go Cats!

And the Reds are off and running in spring training in Goodyear, Arizona, as are all other teams.  I have seen a couple of innings of one exhibition game and listened to parts of a couple more.  As I said to a friend about his favorite team recently, it's kind of difficult to get too high or low based solely on spring training performance.  So we all will see what transpires once the teams head north and east and start playing games that count in April.

Hillary Clinton faced the press, and to some degree the music, yesterday to explain her use of a personal e-mail account while serving as Secretary of State.  Notable that information emerged this week that both former SecState Colin Powell and recently departed Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel also did the same, opting for a personal e-mail account instead of a .gov account.  Clinton says she did this out of convenience, but there's already been a couple of instances where news outlets located video of her talking about having and carrying a variety of devices at any given time.  Eventually this will become less important, but her opponents, both within her own party and outside, will likely keep this going as long as possible.  But I'd wager that she won't be adversely affected by any of it, in the long term.

And if you're keeping score, the heavy snowfall that we had last week is now virtually gone, with the exception of parking lot snowpiles.  Instead we have rain and fog currently, owing to the warmer temperatures and saturated earth.  No locusts yet, that I've seen.....

Finally, I've been fighting with a local furniture dealer over what I believe to be a warranty issue.  I bought a rather expensive ergonomic office chair in 2003, when I began working at home full-time, and one of the reasons I purchased it was that it carried a twelve-year warranty.  Unheard of, right?  During the time I've owned the chair (a Herman Miller Aeron) I have had the seat pan replaced (the original cracked) and I added a better lumbar support at my own option and expense.  But now the gas lift is apparently failing, and the dealer says they have no record of me purchasing the chair (they said they changed computer systems in 2006 and lost all old records).  Compounding the issue is that, for once, I cannot locate my original purchase receipt, rare for me, but true in this case.  Turns out that the manufacturer has no record of my warranty registration, either.  Strange.  The dealer just helped me get a replacement of the lumbar support, as they had a record of my purchase of that item, but the best they'll do is sell me the gas lift and waive the installation fee that would accompany it.  I am seriously considering buying the lift elsewhere and installing it myself.  More to come on that.

So out into the fog I go....


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