
Greetings, friends, from frigid, showy central Kentucky.  It's 20 degrees here, well below our usual average temp.  And show is normally a paralyzing element here, but, miraculously, the roads are in decent shape just now.  Of course, that can change, as soon as they glaze over.  Which they will.

Congrats to the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks for winning their respective conference championships and qualifying for the Super Bowl in the New Jersey Meadowlands in two weeks.  I'm  betting that this might be Peyton Manning's last game, particularly if he and the Broncos win.  I have rooting interest here, as my daughter and her family live in the Denver area, our son was born in that area, too.  So I'll be pulling for the Denver team.

Speaking of those football games, are you as unimpressed with the whole "sideline reporter" concept as I am?  Honestly, what value do those people bring to the average football broadcast?  I just don't understand the value of having someone "reporting" from the sidelines if they really have nothing useful to add to what the booth announcers are already saying.  Add to that the fact that many of them are women (and men, too) who are not journalists or true reporters, and you get less than useful information.  Enough, already.

I'm in the waiting area of a car dealership, where I'm having my wife's car worked on.  Interesting environment.  There's an elderly man who's friendly but in that way that he won't be quiet.  Talks to everyone who's in proximity.  And he just mentioned he's going into the hospital tomorrow to have some stents placed in his coronary arteries.  Doesn't seem too worried!

Just saw that food prices have risen 3.9% in the past three months.  This is news?

I guess Chris Christie is in a bit of a pickle about now.  Multiple potential scandals brewing simultaneously, and the guy is getting sworn in TODAY for his second term as Governor of New Jersey.  I don't think I'd want to trade places with him.

I was trying to think and I don't believe I've seen any of the movies that are nominated for the Oscar for best picture.  This is not unusual.  Saw the latest installment of "The Hobbit" and liked it quite a lot, and it's nominated for several awards, but none of the big ones.  Always interesting to me that there's a separate portion of the motion picture industry devoted to making films that the critics (and Oscar voters) like, and the majority is devoted to producing popular entertainment that people will go to see.  Hate to say it, but I don't find all that much in either category to like.

Gotta go, the service advisor is coming and he is NOT smiling.....


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