Winning....or is that "whining"?
Wouldn't it be funny if they had a Republican Presidential debate and a slap fight broke out? That just about happened in Tampa last night, as we finally saw Mitt Romney not just stand there with a placid expression while his opponents pile on him. No, he apparently doesn't like Newt Gingrich (joining a long list of others, it would seem), and especially didn't like how Gingrich won the South Carolina primary. So Mitt went on the offensive last night, poking Newt on his relationship with Freddie Mac and the unceremonious end to his role as Speaker of the House in the late 90s. I honestly thought the two "statesmen" were going to roll around in the mud before it was over, but decorum reigned and order maintained. But it's getting uglier by the minute, and now that Romney has finally released a couple of years of tax returns (and revealed that he made nearly $43 million over the past two years, all legally), Gingrich will probably continue his attack that ...