Here comes the long weekend...

And not a moment too soon, if you ask me.

Big week in our family....our fourth grandchild, a boy, was born Monday morning.  Big boy, too, ten pounds eight ounces, 21.5 inches long.  Mother and baby are both doing very well indeed!

My wife and I kept our granddaughter for a good part of that day Monday and I believe I acquired what was making her sick, a respiratory deal that seems quite a lot like a cold.  So I'm a little under the weather, but not seriously so.

Business travel by car on Tuesday and Wednesday, this time with my boss, who drove to my home city from her base location up north and accompanied me to Nashville.  Good trip, productive meetings, and always good to spend time with her, which doesn't happen nearly enough.

And I picked up a new briefcase while on the trip, thanks to some prodding by my wonderful wife.  $100 cheaper than at a similar store here in Lexington, so that's something.  I'm actually kind of famous for buying my own presents, but I certainly don't mind.  So I'm no longer in manbag search mode, to the relief of most who know me.

But the best part of today is that we head into a three-day weekend after today, and we have the following planned:

No baby who's about to arrive
No garage sales
No home or lawn improvement projects
No furniture to move
No relatives to travel to visit

OK, enough of what we're NOT doing.  What we ARE doing stands to include

Cooking out
Drinking beer

As I write this, I have about seven official work hours left before this weekend starts, so I'm not feeling terribly motivated.  But after 5:00 PM today, look out.  Hope you have the weekend off and the chance to enjoy it.


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