Daylight savings blues

Are you kind of out of sync today?  Feeling a little out of sorts?  You're not alone.

There are numerous studies and articles I found online that indicate that there's a very real effect on the human body's rhythms and cycles, and the simple act of changing one's clocks and watches doesn't begin to cover the havoc we place on ourselves in the "spring forward, fall back" exchange we do twice yearly.


Nice to see that the NCAA tournament selection committee has continued its love affair with Duke and Coach K by giving them the easiest route to the Final Four among all of the regional top seeds, and by providing Kentucky the acknowledged hardest row to hoe.  Those who feel I am being a Kentucky loyalist should check around online to see what the "experts" are saying about each regional draw, and I believe you'll find a consensus that Kentucky has it potentially tough.  But as a fan and an longtime observer of high-quality college basketball, Kentucky may well have the horses to progress to the national semi-finals and beyond.  If you are an Kentucky fan you have to agree that yesterday's game was a real thriller, and Kentucky was very lucky to have escaped with a victory.  But they did, so onward we all go.

I'm traveling for business tomorrow but for only the second time in the past year I'm traveling on an airline other than my usual personal preference.  Why?  I was able to get direct flights to and from Charlotte for a comparable price, thus making my two-day business trip into a day trip, which is always preferable.  And since I'll be flying on a regional jet there's no hope of an upgrade, so my status on my preferred airline is meaningless.  And I'm not bringing any luggage, either.  So let's hope I don't regret that particular decision.

Finally, if you enjoy the occasional business book that gets you revved up about your work (and, boy, who doesn't?), there's a new book out by my favorite business author, Tom Peters.  I'll be picking up this new book pretty soon and will report back, in case you're interested.


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