Five days

As hard as it may seem to believe, we are only five days from Election Day.

Of course, mail-in and early voting has been going on in numerous states for a while now, and is happening for just a couple of days here in my home state of Kentucky.  My wife and I have observed lines of cars searching for parking spots and long lines of people standing and waiting, potentially for hours.

It seems that many people got the message, that participation is the only thing that makes this election come out the way that many of us want it to.  Glad to see that.

The television networks and other mainstream news sources continue to trumpet that it's a dead heat, it's a photo finish and whatever other phrases can be employed to reflect how close the race appears to be in light of polling data.

The simple truth is that we'll know when we know who the actual winner is, or was.  In 2020, it was the following Saturday before most media outlets were confident enough in their tallies to declare Joe Biden the President-Elect.  Since that time, a number of states have enacted new measures which support counting absentee, mail-in and early voting ballots, well, earlier than in the past.  So it may not stretch as far through the week.

The only comfort I take--given that The Former Guy has been making all kinds of noise about irregularities, cheating and so forth--is that he no longer is in any office that gives him access to extensive numbers of lawyers or soldiers or law enforcement personnel.  And our sitting President, who is not a candidate for reelection, appears to be ready to do what's necessary to put an end to any unrest associated with the outcome and one side or the other not agreeing with the result.

So if you can vote early, do so NOW.  If you have a mail ballot, complete it and send it in or drop it into a drop box soon.  If in-person traditional voting is the rule of thumb where you live, make sure your voice is heard.



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