Early thanks

Good Sunday to all of you looking in today.

Have had an interesting and enjoyable weekend thus far.  Not long ago my son and I looked at our grandson’s hockey team schedule and saw that his team was due to play two games in Cincinnati (a family favorite destination) yesterday.  So we agreed that the best move would be to get rooms for last night here in the area, as the second game did not end until around 10:30 PM.  Back to that soon.

Correspondingly, my wife was caught up in the media blitz surrounding the opening of the new movie version of Wicked, about the witches from the Wizard of Oz.  She knew that our two Lexington granddaughters would want to see it at soon as possible, so we bought the tickets for a showing in the Lexington area for yesterday at 12:30.  They loved the movie but were a little disappointed to know that this new release is only part one with a second film forthcoming.  Typical Hollywood to stretch it into two tentpole flicks!

I digress.  It all came together without a hitch.  The girls went to the movies, the boys traveled up to the Queen City (but stopped for pizza along the route north) and our grandson’s team played two exciting hockey games, tying the first and dropping the second by one goal with thirty seconds left in the game!

The boys are sleeping now in the adjacent hotel room (thank you again, Marriott, for delivering points I can use in my personal life when I travel so much for work!) and we’ll all go out for some breakfast along our path home at a place my son and I loved when he was a kid, and that he has introduced to his son.  I love the dynastic nature of such things, and am happy when something good that I shared with my son when he was a kid has endured!

So yesterday in the car, my son told me that he had impulsively purchased a small turkey at the local grocery and wondered if we would be open to coming over to their house for an early Thanksgiving dinner.  This was prompted by the fact that he is an expert smoker of meat, and that he and his gang will be traveling to West Virginia for the holiday weekend, as our daughter-in-law has a sister who wants to host as much of the family who can come this year.

I told him that our wives would discuss while they were together yesterday, so we’re going over to our son’s house sometime later today.  I hope they will let us contribute something to the feast!

I’ll probably write more on the holiday itself, as I often do, but this trip has been grand so far, our grandson really enjoys the guy time and I don’t think I’ve heard the terms “dude” and “bro” as much in a day as I did yesterday!


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