The agony of "de feet"---no more!

Good afternoon, friends.  Hope your week is going well.

Let's put this out there.  I've had problems with my feet for a long time, dating back to the 90s.  Specifically, I have plantar faciitis in both feet.  That's a disorder where the tendon that runs along the sole of one's foot is too tight due to inflammation or other issues, causing pain and discomfort in most any activity, but particularly in walking.

I began to develop this issue following some health issues, after which I began to walk for exercise regularly.  Plus I began working at a job where I was in a building but walked all over that structure during each day.  So there was no escape.

At that time our next door neighbor was a nurse and she said that she knew what my problem was and recommended two things:  New Balance running shoes and insoles with pronounced arch supports.  That helped, but I needed to do more, particularly during the work day, so I began to explore shoes that were softer but provided arch support.

Eventually I found a German-made brand of dressier shoes that came with insoles that were made of leather and cork, the latter of which eventually molds to the wearer's foot. That was a big help, but it's worth mentioning that they are very expensive.  Also, in my casual and walking shoes, I was still wearing the kind that everyone who sells running or athletic shoes stocks.  Hard plastic molded underside covered in a little foam insoles.  They helped, but were far from perfect.

Not long ago I discovered a new product that was kind of the best of both worlds.  It's an aftermarket brand of insoles called Fulton, which makes an insole for regular shoes and one for athletic shoes.  They come with a cushiony top, where your foot rests, but the foundation that is so critical is actually made from cork.  Just as the dress shoe insoles I mentioned above mold to one's foot, these apparently do, too.

I contacted the company and identified myself as a blogger with foot issues, so the result was that the nice folks who run the company asked me for my size and address and sent me a pair of each type of insole.  They even come in a wide size, which is a must for me!

I've been wearing a pair of the original insole, for non-athletic shoes, for workdays over the past week, and the athletic style in a pair of well-cushioned but still not entirely comfortable casual shoes.  I am happy to say that since then, I have not experienced ANY foot pain or discomfort since installing the Fulton insoles in these shoes! 

The Fulton website states that they help put your feet, ankles, legs and back into proper alignment, and that seems to be true.  Even with these German orthopedic shoes, I sometimes experience foot fatigue after a long day of marketing visits or other on-your-feet activities.  Not so with these insoles.  My feet feel good enough to walk more, even if I'm a little tired, and I'm comfortable throughout.

You can find out more at  

If you're like me, and have had this problem for a while and have not found the right combination of shoes and insoles and other items, give these a try.  I believe you will be very pleased!


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