Thankful every day

Good morning and happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I just wanted to stop by to share a couple of brief thoughts on this, our national day of gratitude and appreciation.

I am most appreciative that I have a wonderful family who loves me in spite of my failings, and who accept my love unconditionally!

I am fortunate to have a job that I like, where I feel I am doing people some good (finally, after many years of NOT feeling this way!), and that I am very good at performing!

I am grateful for the core of good friends I have upon whom I can rely for strength, support and comfort.  Some of them don't even know how much I feel for them, so I need to work on that.  But most all of them know who they are!

I am thankful to live in a country that is not under military assault by another, and where I have the ability to exercise my right to help choose our leaders.  Let us hope that we are able to continue to provide this freedom in perpetuity.

And I'm appreciative of this forum, where I can express my thoughts and feelings freely.  And I appreciate all who stop by to read what I have to say.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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