Take nothing for granted
Happy Friday….we made it!
I’ve been on the road this week, traveling several hours Tuesday, yesterday and again today. So I’ve involuntarily used a lot of that windshield time to think through some things. And today’s title and corresponding topic kept coming back to me…..
I turned 63 on my last birthday (Paul McCartney, I’m coming for your song next year!) and when you reach a certain age, I suppose it’s customary to be a little introspective. Here’s a list of things that I find more and more essential as the years go by.
I was very lucky to encounter my wife when I did, and suppose it’s mutual, as she had been widowed not all that long before we met. As I have mentioned here in the past, I was so fortunate to marry not only my wife, but also her children, who are now OUR children. Our family arrangement was unconventional at first but after almost 40 years together it’s the way things are for us.
I try very hard to take care of my family, our five grandchildren included, of course, and they certainly take care of me!
I am by nature a friendly and outgoing person, and that has served me well professionally and in my personal life, too. And I have a large circle of people whom I identify as friends. Many are people I’ve met through work, but the core is a small cadre of people who have been there for me for a long, long time. I hold their counsel above all others, and they honor me with the same.
Form and maintain a small number of long-term friendships if you can!
I’ve held a lot of different jobs in a variety of work environments. What I know now is that it is crucial to do work that has at least some meaning, and where you can see how your efforts have been of benefit to others. That wasn’t always so important to me, but when I accepted my current job it was a big part of why I came aboard. As long as that doesn’t change I’ll feel a good sense of fulfillment. If not, my cynicism creeps in and I am far less satisfied.
And it is almost never about the money. I used to make somewhat more money in other positions but was always looking over my shoulder and was continually irritated over internal issues and what I have always referred to as political things. That still happens, but I am not as easily drawn into such issues in my current role.
Do something you enjoy in your spare time. I like playing golf but over time play less than I once did, largely because of the necessary time investment. I am a huge sports fan, and my cable TV package reflects that! I love to cook, which is good for me, since my wife likes most everything I prepare!
It’s all about balance.
That’s abut it.
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