Into the wild blue yonder

It's Wednesday and my home area has finally reached the point where we can no longer see our breath.  Unusual here in Kentucky to have temps so cold throughout the day, but, well, weather ain't what it used to be...

I think I mentioned here that my current position requires consistent travel, and most of it is by car.  However, I'm traveling to the furthest edge of my assigned territory next week and it's really too far to drive.  So I'm flying.

It's been about a year since I flew regularly for work.  Have been on flights twice for leisure and family occasions since then, but this is very much the hurry-up-and-get-there-because-we-have-things -to-do travel.

On top of that, I'm flying through Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, one of my least favorite intermediate destinations.  But that's a connection, not my final destination.  Truth be told, I love Chicago.  Probably not as much as New York, but I'm really fond of that city.

So I'm mentally preparing myself for the inevitable squeeze that a big guy like me experiences on airplanes these days.  Even regional jets are now segmented into multiple zones for people to pay for the privilege of more space and legroom.  I won't pay my own money for that, but am thinking seriously about checking a bag on this trip.  I normally avoid doing that like the plague, but at least my company will reimburse me!

I finished my work in the field a little early today, so am seizing the opportunity to do a little preparation, such as adding travel apps to my smartphone, checking available FREE seats to see if there's a better spot on my flights, reviewing the long-range weather forecast, and so on.  I'll give some thought to how I want to entertain myself on this trip and download some video content, too, but have to decide what.

If you've visited this space regularly since I started this blog, you will recall that travel often produces some of the most interesting experiences that I'm able to share.  I am CERTAIN that this trip will be no different!


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