Certainly an improvement

Good morning, all.  It snowed here in Kentucky last night, and this is most likely the earliest instance of visible snowfall that I can remember here in the area.

Not complaining, mind you, as parts west and north of here got and are getting a lot more than that...

For those of you keeping score, you'll recall that I was suddenly displaced from a job to which I was heavily recruited last spring, around the first of May.  At that time I had embarked on a pretty broad career search, and, given my age, a very frustrating process, as I was rapidly rejected for so many positions for which I would have been perfect, and had many near misses as the runner-up in a selection process and in once case where I was the finalist the company elected not to fill the position after conducting a search process that lasted about two months.

Anyway, after about four months I accepted a job with a company in an extremely narrow niche of the healthcare industry, starting in late August.  I traveled to their headquarters several hours south of here (on a Sunday afternoon, so I wasn't paid for my travel time), and upon arriving at their offices I almost immediately regretted the decision.

Their "orientation" did not even include meeting my manager until the last twenty minutes of the first day, and he assured me he'd spend most of the day with me on day 2.  Instead, he met me at the office and we got into our respective vehicles to drive north, where I observed him making sales visits at two locations.  He sent me on my way at around 11:00 AM.  That same morning I saw in their sales system that the company had not been forthcoming about the current state of their business in Kentucky, my territory, so I wisely resumed my career search upon returning home that week.

Fast forward to last Monday, when a behavioral health company with whom I had interviewed multiple times (the last being a videoconference meeting) called to offer me their position.  I will start this position next Monday.  My job will be a remote regional account management role, where I will be gathering potential referrals to their facility in northern Indiana.

And I have definitely formed a good initial relationship with the woman who will be my direct supervisor, and that is such a plus.

So I am finally looking forward to something in the career area of my life.  I confided to one friend that I have not felt this good about the work I am about to do and who I'll be doing it for in about fifteen years.



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