An unexpected return trip to see the Colonel

Happy Sunday, everyone.  Hope you had a good weekend, and enjoyed Halloween, whenever your area conducted Trick or Treat!

I write that knowing that here in central Kentucky most cities and towns postponed from Halloween night to the following Saturday afternoon, due to an extreme drop in temperature on Thursday followed by high winds.  Locally I'd say they made the right decision.

I had to travel south for a business function on Saturday, so headed through Tennessee Friday afternoon after conducting some business closer to home.  When I realized what time it was and that I didn't have to be anywhere by a certain time Friday evening, I did what any right-thinking admirer would do--I paid another visit to Lynnville, Tennessee to visit the retail location of Colonel Littleton, Ltd.!

If you'll recall, I did the same on my way back from Birmingham a couple of months ago, and successfully restrained myself, buying only a coffee mug.

Not this time.  Not only did I treat myself with something I'll describe below, but I picked up something else I'll discuss in more detail another time.

I was greeted by someone I didn't see on my last visit, a very nice lady named Beth.  She explained that she was a little new to working in the retail store in Lynnville but was just as friendly and accommodating as anyone else I'd met there.

After making my way into the store to look around, I saw a very familiar face, the store manager, Joyce, with whom I had a lengthy conversation the last time I stopped in.  I don't know if I commented last time, but Joyce reminds me of a very good friend of many years!

Anyway, I happened to stop at the display of hats (like the Colonel, I'm a hat man of long standing, as he would say) and Joyce mentioned that they are getting more of the felt hats in sizes closer to my own.  I tried a couple of Panama models in size XL but since they're hand-made, they were just a smidgen too small.

I mentioned to Joyce that when I stopped a couple of years ago, en route to Birmingham (there's definitely a pattern here), I looked at a hat that was a little different than those on display.  Joyce deftly reached to the back of the display and plucked a nice hat off the display, saying "this one?"

It was.  Broader brim than the Backroad Fur Felt models, sized generously enough for my massive noggin, and a beautiful color that I would be hard pressed to name, except it's a completely neutral shade of brown/tan/taupe.

It fit perfectly, so that was that.  Joyce insisted on taking it to the back to steam it, as it had been handled a bit, and that allowed Beth to assist me in my other business there.

As always, my purchase was beautifully packaged for my departure and we all said our goodbyes.

Such a nice place to shop, these folks could give lessons on appropriate customer service!


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