Trying to reason with the wet weather season

Today's title with apologies to Jimmy Buffett....

It's not raining right now, but our summer of rain resumed late last week and we're due to get rain off and on all of this week, too.  I was talking with someone last week and we agreed that usually, by this time, those of us without irrigation systems had long stopped mowing our lawns regularly.  Not this year, as I'm still mowing every five days or so.

There are far worse problems to have.  It would be wonderful if we could transfer this rain to the areas in the western U.S. that are being besieged by yet more wildfires.

A couple of sports items to mention--the Kentucky football team managed to snap a 31 year losing streak to Florida on Saturday night, and in Gainesville, Florida, no less!  I won't bore you with what a gallon of gas cost and such the last time Kentucky managed that feat.  Here's hoping it's not 31 years before the NEXT Kentucky win over the Gators!

I don't follow tennis at all but it was awfully difficult not to hear about Serena Williams and her issues with the chair umpire during the women's final of the U.S. Open over the weekend.  I can't quite decide if I agree with her or not.  She was penalized for receiving coaching from the stands, a charge that her own coach acknowledged was happening.  She subsequently got two more penalties, each more severe than the last, and was fined $17,000.  All through this she contended that she was being singled out and treated as such because she's a woman.  I wasn't there, I wasn't watching when it happened and all of the television highlights have been out of context at best.

Serena has her story and she's sticking to it, which is a little more than one could say about certain aspects of the Trump Administration, which is now under siege from yet another interview-filled tell-all book, this one written by Watergate reporter Bob Woodward, as well as an editorial piece written anonymously by a current Administration official and detailing an internal resistance to the overall activities of the Trump Administration.  I'm sure that the private finger-pointing is rampant right now, but the President is working to discredit Woodward, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and now wants the Department of Justice to investigate the editorial writer--for treason.

One more tidbit to pass along--today I'll be selling my home office furniture that I've been using for about fifteen years.  Time for a change, as I don't really like the heavy to-the-floor style of the outgoing set.  The buyer is a doctor who's setting up a new practice, so I'm glad that the items will be going to a good new home!

I'll be writing about my NEW furniture as soon as my wife and I decide where the office will wind up being located.

In the meantime, if anyone knows how to unseed clouds to ward off rain, I'd be really interested.....


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