The unofficial end of summer

Happy day-after-Labor-Day, friends.  I hope that your work schedule allowed you to have a day off to reflect on the value of the labor movement in this country yesterday.

I started my weekend a little early, as I also took last Friday off work.  Good thing, too, as I was in the worst stage of an upper respiratory disorder that was, well, inconvenient on that particular day.  Feeling quite a bit better now, although I'm not quite 100%.

So this is the "unofficial" end of summer, you know.  The kids are back in school, so family vacations are over for now (unless families seize the relatively new phenomenon of "fall break" for some time away).  We actually have about three weeks of summer left per the calendar before fall arrives officially.

I enjoy time time of year, and I'll gladly share why:

First, it marks the return of college football season.  I watch the pros, too, but since I worked with the University of Kentucky Sports Network's broadcast team for thirteen seasons, this past weekend always marks the start of the football season.  I enjoy pro football to some extent as well, but really like the college game quite a bit.  And, no, I don't want either of my grandsons to play football, any more than I allowed my son to play.

Also, this is when the baseball season winds down for the non-contenders (like the Reds) but competition heats up for eight teams in the major leagues.  We're nearing the time when anything can happen, like a team that won 116 games not getting out of the first round of the playoffs, or a team that barely squeaked into the playoffs catching fire at the right time and winning the whole thing.

One more sports thing--fall golf.  I played with some friends yesterday (including a fellow I had not seen since high school, but we didn't take long to resume our prior relationship) and while we enjoyed our time on the links, it was uncomfortably hot most of the day.  As a result, none of us played especially well, despite the fun we had.

And with this being a Ryder Cup year, the professional golf scene is a whole lot more fun to watch for the month of September, at least.

And I have to say that I appreciate the change of seasons that we'll experience here in central Kentucky.  Yes, I'll still prefer to wear shorts much of the time that I'm at home, at least until it turns cold, but the idea of going out and taking a jacket is appealing after a long hot summer!

I came home from golf yesterday afternoon to see that my wife had done her fall decorating while I was away.  Pumpkins and other fall-ish items all through the house and outside, too.  The woman loves a special occasion, one of the many reasons why I love her so!  And our grandchildren always get excited to see Gram's decorations, so that's a nice bonus, too!

So it's not fall yet, but it's coming.


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