Same old same old

It's Monday, friends.  Again.  Seems we do this regularly, don't we?

Anyway, I hope you had a good weekend, as I did.  Despite the fact that I played golf.

If you detect a note of sarcasm therein, you're right.  At an earlier point in my adult life, I was HEAVILY into playing golf as often as possible.  I had a job that required me to travel by car regularly, sometimes overnight, and I consistently had my clubs and shoes with me, ready to play on short notice.  I managed to play twice a week on average in those days, and the quality of my golf game was pretty evident in my scores.

That was in the early 2000's, so that would make me fifteen or more years younger.

Fast forward to the present and I played Saturday for only the fourth time in this calendar year.  And played very, very inconsistently.  I wouldn't say I played poorly (although my Saturday playing partners expressed sympathy on that basis) but I did not play as well as I am often capable.  It's as though I've regressed to where I was before all of that frequent play.

So what happened?

Well, it's my opinion that golf is an activity that you can enjoy at any age, but you can enjoy it more when you're able to play with a certain level of proficiency.  I have a friend (more a friend of a friend, but that's a technicality) who plays about as frequently as I do now, and he is always upset that he doesn't hit sand shots as well as the pros he watches on television.  We always tell him that if he played as frequently as those guys do, well, he'd be better at it.

I'm in that mode right now.  Even though I played on back-to-back Saturdays for the first time in some months, I'm not playing regularly enough to develop the good habits and technique necessary to  perform better.  I've avoided making statements about how I've forgotten how to play, but it's a little like that, actually.

I even resorted to a little online research about technique with some of my more glaring issues, and that was not helpful, as I watched several YouTube videos offering tips and demonstrations of how-to and so forth and they were all so contradictory that I immediately remembered why I pass on all forms of golf instruction, whether from my friends or others.  Way too confusing at my level.

I have a couple of ideas on how to mitigate the damage that some of my worst issues are doing to my scorecard, so hoping I'll score better the next time out.  And there will be a next time, but I'm not sure when.

The circle will keep on turning, of course.  And since I try not to take it too seriously, I'm not a pain to play with when things aren't going well, at least!


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