In quotes

It’s Thursday and I’m ready for the weekend.  Are you?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always enjoyed the well-timed or well-worded quote, whether from a famous person or otherwise.  Some end up become clichés of the speaker/writer’s original intent, others continue on as is.

Indulge me as I enumerate some of my all-time favorites, and I will do my utmost to attribute them to the proper source:

“Baseball is ninety percent mental.  The other HALF is physical.”
                        --Yogi Berra

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
                        --Winston Churchill

“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
                        --Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
                        --Will Rogers

“Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter could be said to remedy anything.”
                        --Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

“A life is not important except in the impact that it has on other lives.”
                        --Jackie Robinson

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.”
                        --Mick Jagger & Keith Richards

“I don’t always get shot in the middle of a speech, but when I do, I finish the damn speech.”
                        --Theodore Roosevelt

“Never allow the fear of striking out from keeping you from playing the game.”
                        --Babe Ruth

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”
                        --John F. Kennedy

“Try not!  Do, or do not!  There is no try!”

“If you build it, he will come.”
                        --The Voice, “Field of Dreams”

What are some of your favorites?


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