
Good morning, friends.  Back to work today after a wonderful stay-cation wherein our daughter and her family came home to Kentucky for a weeklong visit!

While they were here they were working on a couple of things that required some followup and it occurred to me that they and a good number of others whom I know are in some sort of transition right now.  Here's a short list:

I have a good friend who's getting married in about a month, and it's his first marriage (and he's 48!).

Our daughter and her husband are selling their current house and buying a larger one, with all of the bustle and activity associated with that process.

Our son is wrapping up summer term of his night law school classes and begins his third year of study in a few weeks.

My mother-in-law just relocated from my brother-in-law's basement apartment into an assisted living community.

A friend and business contact just left her job here in Lexington to return to her home area in western Kentucky and started a completely different job with a company there.

Another friend whose oldest child started college a couple of hours from home last fall now has her middle child starting military service today.

As someone once said, life moves pretty fast, and if you don't pay attention, you could miss it.  How true, but even more so when so much is happening in a compressed period of time.

I'd like to stay and add more to this post, but, as I mentioned, I'm transitioning back to work today!


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