On the go

Happy Thursday to all.  Or, as I've been calling it, short-work-week Tuesday.

This is my second consecutive three-day work week, which is great in some ways but challenging in others, namely in the area of scheduling appointments and such.  Now that I'm just about to get back to normal I'll have another week off after Father's Day!

Those of you who have been visiting this space regularly will remember that in a past professional life, I used to travel by air.  A lot.  Like in three weeks out of five each month.

And I frequently documented my experiences here, because, well, who else was I going to tell about interesting things that happened?

So my air travel is much less frequent these days.  For my current job I've traveled by air a total of three times--once for orientation, and two more times for meetings.  But leisure air travel has become much less common for me, largely because I don't rack up frequent flier miles that can (allegedly) pay for personal flights!

We had occasion to travel to Colorado, where our daughter and her family have resided for some years.  Our grandson had his first Holy Communion on Saturday, and we knew well in advance of the date of this occasion.  So for some weeks I tracked various flight options for price and availability, and finally settled on a set of flights out of the Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport on Delta Airlines.

Worth noting that this airport actually is in Kentucky, which is a point of amusement for many folks who visit this part of the world only occasionally.

Anyway, I'm here to tell you that this was by far the smoothest trip I've encountered in a long time.  We elected to take one large bag, rather than two smaller ones and attempt to carry them onto the plane.  The bag wound up being slightly overweight, but the friendly Delta counter agent in Cincinnati sort of waved off any concern about extra charges, and we headed off to security, with me virtually empty-handed for the first time in forever.

And we scored the TSA PreChek status on this trip in both directions, which saves loads of time in the security line.  No need to produce liquids or remove shoes, although I did have to empty my pockets.  Very nice indeed.

We got to the gate with a good (but not too long) amount of time to spare, and boarded at the designated time.  The seats we selected were toward the back of the plane, but since we had to wait for our bag to get to baggage claim, that wasn't really a problem.  And I chose the same seats on both flights, on the side with only two seats and with limited recline.  Most don't want seats that don't recline, but neither my wife and I find a reclined airplane seat to be very comfortable.

Flights in both directions departed on time, there was virtually no turbulence, landed early and our bag was where it was supposed to be by the time we got to the claim area.

I know, I'm still a little stunned that it worked out that way!

So I'll give Delta a good endorsement here.  I've flown them all three times I've traveled for my current job and now this trip.  Always preferred that airline, but this renewed my good feelings about their service.

For now it's back to auto travel, like today I have to head west about an hour for business.  Saturday my son and I are due to travel north to see the Cincinnati Reds in action.  My first game this year, so I'm pretty excited!


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