Your run-of-the-mill catch-all blog post

Good morning, friends.  I wish that I could say that spring has sprung here in central Kentucky, but, wouldn't you know it, we had another touch of snow last night!  But warmer days are ahead here, at least until it cools off again.  Mother Nature seems to have a sense of humor, at least.

The baseball gods apparently do not, however, as the Cincinnati Reds finally had a complete game, with good pitching, decent fielding and timely hitting Saturday night, defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates on a cold night in western Pennsylvania.  Then yesterday these things happened:

They allowed five runs
They managed ONE hit, and that was by their starting pitcher
They lost their third baseman, Eugenio Suarez (who hit a go-ahead three-run home run Saturday night) to an injury, as he was hit by a pitch and fractured his right thumb
And they lost

If you follow the Reds at all you're bound to agree with me that we've seen this movie before.  Hoping the ending is different than the last few times.

Patrick Reed awoke a happy man today, as he outlasted an aggressive field and won the Masters golf tournament yesterday.  It's always been said that when a golfer wins a major championship that his life is then divided into two segments, his life before and after winning that first major.  So he'll now experience that.

Multiple major winner Tiger Woods managed to play well enough to qualify for the weekend and finished at one-over-par, which is not bad for a fellow who couldn't get out of bed without help just a few months ago.

I read last night that Facebook hired a media expert who worked with former President George W. Bush, and this expert has been working intensively to help CEO Mark Zuckerberg prepare for tomorrow's testimony on Capitol Hill about Facebook's inability to safeguard the privacy of its users and related matters.  Apparently Mr. Zuckerberg is loath to speak in public and the purpose of this crash course is to help him convey charm and humor, instead of his normal approach of detached arrogance.  He'd better do something if he doesn't want the wrath of the federal government to interfere with his plans.

[Full disclosure--I'm not a Facebook user, never was and certainly don't plan to become one now.]

It's gotten so bad that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says that he's deleted his account.  Woz says that (and I'm paraphrasing) while Apple will sell YOU a great product, with Facebook, you ARE the product.  Interesting observation.

I'm sure the White House is a busy place this morning, what with a brand-new National Security Advisor starting work this morning, and multiple vacant positions for which secretaries need to be confirmed, and the spectre of more vacancies right on the horizon.

Last night MSNBC aired a very interesting biographical sketch of Robert Mueller, the former FBI Director who's currently the Special Counsel to the Justice Department, charged with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.  Generally any news about that investigation is met with some sort of reaction from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, so I wouldn't expect this to be any different.

We were looking for something to watch before that aired and spotted (but didn't watch) a four-part series on Donald Trump.  No idea who put it together, but it's segmented into logical parts.  If I wanted to know more.....

Suppose there's real work to be done so off I go.


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