The most elusive season

It's supposed to be springtime, right?  The calendar says so.  Easter and Passover were just celebrated.    But this morning it's 35 degrees here in my home area.

This is why our grandmothers used to warn not to plant anything, ANYTHING, until Mother's Day!

Since spring appeared on the calendar we here in central Kentucky have seen rain, snow, high winds and a mixture of all of the above.  That's probably pretty normal, actually, but it's no less jarring.

So we continue to watch the weather to have some earthly idea of how to dress day by day!

The Reds were in a bit of a pickle last Wednesday.  They were scheduled to open their season Thursday afternoon, and the weather forecast predicted 100% chance of rain.  So instead of trying to play the game in conditions miserable for players and spectators alike, they simply postponed the game until Friday, when there was an open date on the schedule, and although the team lost to Washington, the game and related festivities went off without a hitch.

But they were rained out again last night.  Such is springtime in the midwest.

That's nothing, though, as the Yankees were scheduled to open their home season Monday and it snowed several inches in New York.

You may wonder why there's so much havoc in the baseball schedule already.  Well, the lords of Major League Baseball and the Players' Association agreed that they should start the season a little sooner to ensure more days off for players during the season.

Once upon a time this was achieved by each team playing a few doubleheaders, where patrons paid one price and were treated to two games.  When I was a kid that was the only way my dad would take my brothers and me to a game---better value, you know.  Now, a doubleheader only happens when rain forces it, and the games are split up into two different admission costs.   Gotta make that money, you know.

At home, I have a few projects I want to tackle, but am not going to dig up more plants until I'm ready to replace them, so I'm in a holding pattern with my yard.  I have mowed once, though, and need to do it again, but our on-again, off-again rain seems to get in the way.

At least I've inspired both of my neighbors to trim their lawns....


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