The next step

It's Monday.  A good bit has happened since our last visit.....

Saturday brought us the March for our Lives in some 800 locations throughout the U.S. and around the world.  About 1,000 people marched here in Lexington, and, of course, the largest gathering was estimated to be 800,000 in Washington, D.C.  Ironic that both President Trump and members of Congress were not in town when this occurred.

I watched some of the coverage and many of the speeches, but was most taken by Emma Gonzalez and her speech.  If you're not familiar with her by name, Emma is the young woman who wears a buzz cut and has become one of the primary faces of the movement she and her classmates from Parkland began.  Emma's speech was deliberately punctuated by a period of silence to ensure that the entire length of her appearance was equal to the amount of time that the shooter roamed the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's Day.  To see that girl standing before hundreds of thousands of people absolutely silent, tears streaming down her face, was remarkable.

I honestly believe that several things are beginning to turn a corner in terms of our political system, and these kids and their tireless efforts are at the heart of it.  It seems to me that they are making the idea of voting and participating in the electoral process essential to young people, and if they can help add that many voices at the ballot box, things really can change.

In a slightly different part of the political universe, Stephanie Clifford appeared on CBS' "60 Minutes" last night.  Better known as Stormy Daniels, Clifford gave her long-awaited interview to Anderson Cooper, who asked reasonable questions, and appeared altogether credible in describing her one-night stand with Donald Trump in 2006.  Some of the details were uncomfortable, to say the least, and it isn't difficult to see why she, of all people, would be someone that Trump and his team would want to remain silent.

But it's out there now, as is her attorney, as he's making the rounds on the morning shows today, touting even more evidence.  President Trump has been uncharacteristically silent on Twitter and elsewhere since this interview aired last night.

Kentucky lost in their game against Kansas State last Thursday night in the NCAA men's basketball tournament, as KSU played their style of game and Kentucky never found its rhythm.  No matter, Kansas State was no match for the nun-powered juggernaut that is Loyola Chicago.  I think Kentucky probably would have lost to what is clearly this year's "team of destiny," despite their records, pedigrees, etc.

I pretty much lose interest in the tournament after Kentucky exits, whenever that happens, each year, but I did catch the second half and overtime of the Kansas-Duke game late yesterday afternoon.  A game between two teams I dislike, but, let's be honest, I dislike Duke a whole lot more than Kansas.  And I was rewarded by seeing Kansas prevail, though not until overtime.  Seeing Duke get a couple of calls against them late in the game was quite a surprise as well, as this seemingly never happens.

The Cincinnati Reds concluded their spring training yesterday with a loss, but, as the experts say, a team's spring training record matters little in the overall picture.  Perhaps, but more importantly, the Reds already have a couple of roster dilemmas on their hands and more than one player injury that may prove to be longer in duration than they'd like.  Guess we'll see.  All MLB teams begin playing for keeps on Thursday.

Have a good Monday.


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