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Good morning to you, from foggy central Kentucky.  We had a quick reminder that spring has not yet arrived here Sunday night, as we awoke to around five inches of snow here in our home area.

Before leaving for some work in the field, I shoveled our driveway, weighing out whether or not I should.  A friend confided upon hearing my dilemma that I should have opted for what meant less work, but I persisted.  Turns out I could have left it exactly as it was and it would have melted, as the driveways of our neighbors were untouched.

Oh, well, I needed the exercise.

This is always an unpredictable time of year in our area.  I have probably mentioned before our plans to take the family to Florida on spring break, which one year was the first week of April.  We woke up to find that we had received four inches of snow, totally unpredicted.  That made for an interesting trip south.

I have to say that I'm more than a little pleased with myself in that I recently fertilized my yard, and that generally needs to be accompanied by some rain (or snow).  So my timing was just right this year.

For once.

Now, on to other things.....

Kentucky's men's basketball team certainly didn't get much of a draw in the NCAA tournament that starts tonight.  They were positioned as a 5 seed and will play their first (and second, if they win in round one) game in Boise, Idaho.  Not exactly around the corner from the heart of the Big Blue Nation, but a nice place to visit.

Coach John Calipari, never one at a loss for a comment or opinion, has always felt that his Kentucky teams fail to get adequate consideration by the tournament selection committee; even as a higher seed they still often have a more difficult path to the Final Four than other comparable teams.  I suppose an argument could be made either way.

Did you see the headline that the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee, or at least the Republicans on that committee, announced the conclusion of their investigation of potential Russian interference and collusion in the 2016 Presidential election?  They made the announcement late yesterday, over the objections of the committee's Democratic members.  Nothing to see here, move along, please.

The Senate Intelligence Committee is continuing its corresponding investigation, as is Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the latter, in particular, continues to identify additional possible issues and corroborating witnesses.  So whether or not there was or wasn't Russian interference or collusion is still debatable, depending on who receives the question and their specific motivations.

I also was amused to see that adult film actress Stormy Daniels, still wishing to tell her story about an affair with the President prior to his election, has offered to return the "hush money" she received just before the 2016 election in order to be released from her obligation to remain silent.  I don't think that's how non-disclosure agreements work, but I admire her for keeping the story alive all the same.

Movie review update:  we just purchased "Darkest Hour" over the weekend, which was a predictable move on my part, having been a major fan of Winston Churchill over the years.  As you may know, Gary Oldman won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of Churchill, and he was mesmerizing and I highly recommend it.  Apparently he put about a year of effort into mastering the mannerisms of his role.  After a career of playing mostly villains and offbeat characters and then stepping into more positive roles in Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" Batman trilogy, the Harry Potter series and other projects, it's nice to see a skilled actor receive his due.

Wish me luck driving in the fog later this morning.


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