The joys of being sick at Christmas

Greetings, friends!  Is your house fully decorated?  Gifts purchased and wrapped?  Shipped those that need to go elsewhere?

In today's hectic environment, there are so many things to check off and keep track of for Christmas planning.  We all try to be in several places at once and make it to every party or work/client function.

And that's just a little harder when you're sick.

I had an interesting experience a couple of Fridays ago--the day of my last post.  If you recall, my flight was delayed in leaving south Florida, and, well, it never left.  Not that day or the day after.  I wound up staying through Sunday morning, when I finally was able to get a flight north.

Didn't feel any ill effects from the extra time there until I woke on Tuesday with a sore throat and cough.  Uh-oh.

The disorder escalated from there, and I'm managing the symptoms with a variety of over-the-counter medications.  I usually don't head to the doctor when these things arise, as I would then get an antibiotic that might or might now help.

I'd say I'm about 85% myself, but what's worse is my wife developed roughly the same thing, but it came upon her a couple of days later than it hit me.  So it's been a real treat around our house these last few days, two people wheezing and speaking hoarsely.

But, by golly, we're ready for Christmas!  We finished our shopping last night, and have but a few things left to wrap.  Our box to our daughter's family in Colorado went out last week, and was just delivered, so the U.S. Postal Service tells me.

We've been through this a time or two before in our thirty-plus years of marriage.  The worst we could both remember had us both suffering with horrible colds (traditionally runny nose/coughing/body aches) starting a couple of days before Christmas Day and lasting until New Year's.  There was another time where I was struck with something not unlike a flu bug about two weeks beforehand, and really had no energy at all until about three days before the holiday.

But, as you know, gentlemen shouldn't discuss their infirmities, so I'll leave that topic for the moment.

I suppose it depends on what you're shopping for, but I haven't noticed as many rabid bargain hunters as are depicted in news reporting, at least not in my home area.  And we probably have done a good combination of online shopping mixed with traditional bricks-and-mortar stores again this year.

I sincerely hope that you and yours enjoy the holidays, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa or even Festivus!


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