Christmas shopping while delayed in an airport!

I used to travel pretty often for work, as long-time visitors to this space will attest.  However, I have been on a weeklong trip to my company's offices for meetings and now find myself with time on my hands.  Not only is it a Friday afternoon, but with weather rolling through parts of the southeast US today, the air travel system is chaotic, at the least!

So what better way to while away some of my delay than by sharing some ideas about Christmas gifts and shopping?

Now, I'm not dumb enough to reveal what those close to me may be receiving for Christmas this year (well, maybe not), but I can tell you somethings I like and I'll let you make the decision.

Are you or anyone you know in the market for a new phone?  I like my new iPhone 8 Plus, as this is the first trip where I've used it.  Love the brighter, more vibrant screen and the speed at which pages and apps load and react.  The sound is also quite something.  Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and I apparently agree on this.  And be assured that the iPhone X is a very nice phone, too, but if you plan to buy it for someone else, you'll likely have difficulty finding one until right before Christmas, if even then!

Continuing the electronics theme, I have really given my Apple AirPods a workout during this trip, and am really impressed.  They sound great, are comfortable for long periods of time and work very well for phone calls as well as for music and movies.  We gifted our son a pair of Bose QC 35 headphones with Bluetooth a few months ago, as he's a night law student and needs ample amounts of quiet time for his studies.  He proclaims these to be a great asset to his equipment arsenal!

Not long ago, I received an e-mail from a very nice contact with who had read a prior post of mine regarding tech reviews and provided this link about Bluetooth headphone reviews:

If you're in the market for something like this, I hope you find it helpful.

I could go on and on (and on and on) about tech stuff, but I also have grandchildren, and three of them are of the age that they're not quite ready for heavy-duty electronics.  So for them, game and toys are it, and there seems to be no shortage of Star Wars-themed items, what with yet another Star Wars movie coming out shortly!  I personally like to give games and toys that have at least a little educational value, and we really haven't done our due diligence in that area yet.

And based on a long-ago pact, my wife and I do not give surprise gifts to each other, so no worries on that front, at least not for me!

Oh, and if you keep score of things I mention, we decided to postpone the purchase of a 4K HDR TV.  There's just not enough content out there for it yet, so we'll wait.

Hope this is just a little bit helpful.  Now I have only two more hours to wait until my flight departs!


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