Stunningly apathetic

Good afternoon to everyone.  Unusual day and time to post, but my schedule got a little fouled up this week.

Are you planning to watch the Super Bowl?  For a number of years, starting when our kids were, well, kids, we really made a big deal of the day of the big game, buying special snacks, planning a menu appropriate to the site of the game or the participating teams' cities, and so forth.

Last year was great, since the Denver Broncos won and our daughter and her family are season ticket holders!

But this year?  Hard to get excited about the New England Patriots (again) and the Atlanta Falcons.  Admittedly, the Falcons have a Kentucky native and UK grad on the roster, tight end Jacob Tamme, but he was injured mid-season and won't play.  But otherwise, the Falcons don't have any players who command a high level of attention from me.

And then there's the Patriots.  Sorry to my friends in the northeast, but I don't care for the team owner, the head coach, the offensive coordinator or the quarterback.  At all.  I disliked the lot of them before the multiple cheating scandals that have arisen and been investigated, but even more now.  Sort of like the St. Louis Cardinals in the baseball world.  The team is successful, yet, but in a soulless way that is offputting to just about anyone who's not already their fan.

So I don't know if we're even going to watch the game, which is slightly un-American, but that's the way it goes.  May watch a good, long movie instead.

Did you tune in to see President Trump unveil his choice for the Supreme Court last night?  I didn't, and missed it on purpose.  I have to also say I was disappointed but not surprised by much of anything that has happened since my last post to this space.  The latest is that Senate Democrats boycotted the committee votes that would have sent certain Trump nominees to the general Senate for a vote, thus tying up the nominations.  And there are already a number of Senators who say they won't vote to approve the afore-mentioned nominee.  Kentucky's own Senator Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, openly defied conventional wisdom this time last year by not allowing hearings or a vote to approve President Obama's last Supreme Court nominee but is now actually expressing shock that Democrats would respond in kind now.  Hmm...

Kentucky's basketball team broke a two game losing streak by outlasting Georgia in overtime last night, but not without some effort.  The team's point guard was out due to illness, so others had to pick up the slack and did so.  But this Kentucky team doesn't look quite so special at this point in the season, but there's still time for improvement.

One last thing I'll mention amid the twenty-degree temperature swings we've seen less than two weeks, Cincinnati Reds pitchers and catchers report for spring training.  If that doesn't put a spring in the step of a baseball fan (like me!), I don't know what will.

Stay out of trouble!


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