Mission almost accomplished

Friends, I really meant to follow through on my comments about NOT watching Sunday's Super Bowl.  I tried.  But ultimately, I failed, although only partially.

Let me explain.

My wife was in complete agreement with me, she also stated that she did not care to see the New England Patriots and more particularly their owner, coach and quarterback all receiving the Vince Lombardi trophy while acting as though their past behavior had not happened, as they had acted on four prior occasions when winning the game.

We avoided the pre-game programs, watching a movie at home.  We decided to go out to see a movie, "Rogue One--A Star Wars Story," thanks to a Fandango gift card from our son and his family.  We even decided to have a modest dinner out before the movie.

Aside--we really enjoyed this movie.  I'm not as invested in Star Wars as others I know, but found the original three movies highly entertaining and the most recent film to be very good as well.  This one was very, very good, well done, with a brisk pace and lots of believable events.  Two thumbs up, as a couple of late critics used to say.

We returned home to watch the news that we recorded while we were out, and my wife glanced at her phone and noted that Atlanta was leading New England late in the game.

So we decided to tune in.

Sure enough, the Falcons held an eight point lead with about five minutes left in the game, and had the ball.  They moved upfield nicely, and then encountered resistance and then a sack of MVP quarterback Matt Ryan moved them out of field goal range.  They were forced to punt with a bit over three minutes left.

You know what happened after that.  And we watched the remainder of the game.  Friends advised what a huge lead Atlanta had held at different points, but it didn't matter.

At least we got away from the broadcast before all of the trophy presentations.

I will say as an aside that I respect Tom Brady for having cited his ailing mother as inspiration for his performance.  We all have (or had) a mother, and I can't think of a nicer thing to do for one's Mom than win a Super Bowl in her honor.

So that's over.  No more football until the fall.

Yesterday I saw online that the Cincinnati Reds were loading the big truck carrying their team equipment to Arizona and spring training.  Pitchers and catchers report soon.

Oh, and Donald Trump is still President of the United States.  I'll refer you to any news source you prefer to see how that's working out.


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