A wet Christmas

Happy Christmas Eve to everyone.  Hope that you'll have the opportunity to be with people you love over the next few days!

We're expecting several days of off-and-on rain here in central Kentucky.  Granted, our climate here is usually rather temperate, but a lot of folks, namely my wife and grandchildren, really like to see a white Christmas.  Maybe next year!

I think at this time last year that I noted that we're receiving fewer and fewer Christmas cards.  The trend has continued this year, as it appears we've received eleven thus far.  I was telling a friend not long ago how our mailing list swelled to something close to 60 households a few years ago, after first one and then the other of our children were married, so we gained more extended family.

My theory remains that people rely much more heavily on social media than traditional holiday greetings to say hello, wish others a happy holiday season, and stay in touch.  We're old-fashioned enough that we send out a holiday letter in lieu of actual cards, have done so for the past couple of years.  The letter details mostly what the kids, and now THEIR kids, have been up to in the past year.

I started that over twenty years ago, and somewhere along the line we didn't include such a letter in our cards, and roughly a dozen people responded asking why there was no letter!  So we still do the letter for the purists, for those who rely on that letter and card to know what's happening with our family.  And for what it's worth, we receive quite a few such letters, too.

Sadly, though, more than one of our cards received has carried news about a death, as so many of those on our list are mature or older.  As with other aspects of life, this will become more and more commonplace as we go on.

Sorry to see that actress and author Carrie Fisher suffered what appears to be a severe heart attack on a flight from London to Los Angeles yesterday.  There has not been much news since the initial reports, so here's hoping that she recovers from this.  She is only 60 years old, which is hard to believe, given how long she's been a part of our popular culture.

Here's one for you:  what if you were elected President, and decided to throw a party and no one wanted to come?  Our President-Elect is facing something pretty similar, but mostly in the area of entertainment for the series of inaugural balls that routinely take place on the night of the inauguration of the new President.  Most notable is that the Radio City Rockettes (still impressive, despite their act being very, very traditional) have apparently been booked to appear at one or another of these events, but many of the women who perform with them don't want to do it.  But don't worry, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent are enthusiastically planning to appear.

As I write this fairly early on Christmas Eve morning, I think we're finished shopping.  I certainly hope so, as the main thoroughfares to and from the more concentrated shopping areas have been challenging over the past few days.  I still have friends who shop late, some out of necessity and others out of habit and preference.  I wish them well today, if they still have shopping to do!

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas (or a happy Hanukkah or a happy Kwanzaa, depending on what you personally celebrate) and the blessings that come with it!


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