
Good Tuesday morning from the Bluegrass State, where the residents are happy that North Carolina didn't win the men's NCAA basketball championship!

And if you think I'm kidding, stand on a corner in Lexington today and ask passersby their opinion!

Yesterday was Opening Day in Major League Baseball, although three games were played on Sunday.  MLB is really muddying the waters with all of this, and my Cincinnati Reds have not continued a long tradition of opening the baseball season with their first pitch for a long time!

But still, it's a great day, and almost a holiday in our family, as I've written in this space in the past.  The Reds played their season opener at home against the Philadelphia Phillies, who were almost as bad in the wins-losses department as the Reds last year.  But all of the teams start the season tied for first place, you know, so that's why we watch.  And Opening Day is must-see TV in our family, unless we happen into tickets for the game itself!

We did something a little different yesterday....I used our cable box DVR to record the game and our son came over when he got off work, so we started the game broadcast then.  Lots of food and fun, and best of all, the Reds came from behind with five runs in the 8th inning to win 6-2.  Always great to win that first one, although I'm sure statistically there's no correlation between a win on Opening Day and a good season!

I continue my aggressive career search.  Made progress with two opportunities last week and because of the volume of jobs for which I'm applying, I am having to fend off interest from a lot of companies for positions that aren't really my cup of tea.  Yesterday I received a phone call from a regional leader with a certain company and I accepted an opportunity to interview with her later this week.  I then did a little online research and found that it's a pretty poorly run company, so I'll cancel that one.  Suppose that's normal, to have to sort out good opportunities from mediocre ones (or worse), but that's part of the process.

Unemployment compensation is another part of it, and yesterday I had to make a visit to the unemployment office, because my account somehow got goofed up.  The end result is that it all should work itself out, but I learned that not only could I not request benefits for the most recent two weeks, but my request for the prior two weeks had also been negated via a system error.  I'm told that's all fixed now, so that will help keep things moving along here at the ranch for the moment.

Last week I did a volunteer session with a local organization that assists the underprivileged with the process of finding and holding a job; will continue to do that when the organization can use me and I'm available.  They are a fine organization and do a world of good in my community, so I am certainly pleased to be able to contribute my time and talent to their efforts.

Another week, another primary election in the presidential race.  This one may define how things go from here on, as Donald Trump had his most challenging week yet, and there is so much at stake for both parties.  Should be interesting to see what happens!


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