
Greetings, friends.  I'm a little off schedule but wanted to stop by to share a few things from a variety of sources.

I honestly think that the 2016 Presidential campaign has crossed over into the absurd, for both parties.    The Republicans appear to be banding together in some bizarre way to try to stop Donald Trump from winning their nomination.  The only problem is that someone keeps forgetting to tell the voters in so many states where Trump wins, and often wins by a large margin.  I read yesterday that now-departed candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has reached out to two of the remaining candidates in the Republican race in an effort to defeat Trump.  Frankly, I wish them luck.

I also saw that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided not to run for President as an independent, and his reasoning is that he would divert votes from the Democratic nominee and all but assure Donald Trump the Presidency.  Sounds a bit like Ross Perot's bid in 1992, which siphoned support away from George Bush and helped usher Bill Clinton into the White House.  Bloomberg could still change his mind, of course.

And I didn't watch, but saw that last night in a debate in Miami a moderator asked Hillary Clinton if she would withdraw from the Democratic campaign if she is indicted as the result of using a personal e-mail server.  In the clip I saw, she snorted and said that she wouldn't even answer the question.  Right or wrong, I don't much blame her reaction.  I think it should go without saying that a candidate who is under indictment for a federal offense is not going to do well if they continue their campaign, shouldn't it?

And in the other clip I saw, there was apparently some debate about the color of Bernie Sanders' suit last night.  Looked brown to me, but some are saying it was grey, others blue.  Like that dress from a while back, I suppose.

All of this is backdrop to my continued viewing of Netflix's political series "House of Cards," starring Kevin Spacey as an unscrupulous politician.  Very entertaining, and while I have no way to know if it's at all accurate, it's interesting.

But the good news for me is that baseball is right around the corner.  My grandson said yesterday, when he and his sister were here, that it was a great day to play baseball.   My son and I apparently have trained that boy well, so we went into the backyard late in the afternoon and played a little tee-ball whiffleball.  The little guy can really hit, too, and will turn five in May!

The Reds are only a little older overall, and reading about their spring training games is more than a little challenging, since I am so unfamiliar with so many players' names.  That'll get better over time, but for now, it's a matter of attempting to learn who everyone is.

It feels like spring has sprung here in central Kentucky, as we've had high temperatures in the 70s for the past several days.  Rain is moving in from Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, and apparently will be here for a few days, but it will remain warm.  So perhaps the groundhog was right.  For once!


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