Coming and going

Happy post-Thanksgiving Monday to all.  Hope you had a nice holiday and were able to spend time with those you love!

We were certainly blessed in that regard, as our daughter and her kids made a visit to Lexington the weekend prior to Thanksgiving.  They returned to Colorado just in time for temperatures to drop significantly amid significant snowfall.  While they were here, we had an early Thanksgiving dinner with them and our son and his family, and really had a great time throughout their visit.

But the world kept turning, even as I enjoyed a weeklong break from work.  The events in Colorado Springs are yet another reminder of how easy it is for guns to find their way into the hands of those who are not capable of owning and using them responsibly, and my heart sinks each time I hear of another such tragedy.

Business mogul/presidential candidate Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican primary race, but his lead appears to now be shrinking.  I saw on the news last night that he continues to persist in his stance that "hundreds of thousands" of Muslims were seen celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11.  Trump also managed to insult a reporter with a medical condition during a speech last week, and is now denying it.  Given how uninformed our electorate is, I doubt that this will have even the smallest effect on his poll numbers.

No issue in the NCAA basketball polls, though, Kentucky is number one at present.  While I've always believed that teams (in any sport) should not be ranked until the season is half over, Kentucky has looked impressive, but have only played one quality opponent, Duke.  But the way that they dismantled Duke when they met recently in Chicago was indeed impressive.

Not so with the Kentucky football team, whose season ended with a thud Saturday against in-state rival Louisville.  After building a 21 point lead through solid offensive play and taking advantage of three Louisville interceptions, Kentucky failed to get out of its own way the rest of the way and watched Louisville pull ahead and win by a wide margin.  There's always next year, I suppose.

How are you doing with your Christmas shopping?  Thanks to our visit to Cincinnati on Tuesday, we're almost finished, with just a few finishing touches.  That makes the season so much more enjoyable, when the time pressure of last-minute shopping is out of the way!

That's it, gotta get to work!


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