Here goes nothing

Happy Monday to all.  This is the last week before we change our clocks back to "standard" time and lose that hour of precious sleep!

It's already been pretty dark around here these last couple of days.  After several days last week of skies so blue and clear that they resembled tourism board postcards, it was rainy most of Saturday and overcast most of the day yesterday.

The weather did not deter us from doing some stuff over the weekend.  We attended our grandchildren's soccer game Saturday morning, and I managed to play a round of golf with a friend and then do some yard work afterward yesterday afternoon.  The soccer game was the next-to-last of the season, and both kids play on the same team, which is helpful for scheduling.  But it's a bit sad that it's almost over, just like the younger grandchild's T-ball games ending a couple of weeks earlier. But spring will be here before we know it!

The round of golf was good fun and I actually played reasonably well.  Given my recent history of neck and back/leg/foot issues of late, I have not played more than twice in about the last two months. My friend and I played course that used to be a private club but now apparently is accepting anyone who wishes to play.  Conditions were so-so, with browned-out Bermuda fairways and bunkers that could use some attention.  But the greens were large and smooth, with a couple of exceptions, and the pace of play was brisk, which is always welcome.

And, yes, so will Christmas, as noted in the mall last week.  Santa will set up shop and start visiting with children November 6 at 7:00 AM!  And numerous merchants throughout our area are already displaying holiday decorations for sale.  We stopped in at the home improvement store a couple of weekends ago and they were already fully equipped.  Yikes!

My travels for work have shifted in location a bit, due to some recent staff changes.  I was traveling regularly to points south and east of Lexington, but now I'm traveling mostly west and southwest of the city.  A change of scenery is always nice, of course, and driving is driving, I suppose.  Meeting some new people is always interesting, too.

I happened to be in Shepherdsville last Friday morning.  That's home to a distribution location of, the online shoe and clothing retailer.  I've bought a number of things from Zappos over the years, and love their service model--they pay shipping on everything, including returns!  Anyway, I remembered from a few years ago that they operate an outlet store on the grounds, so I decided to stop in.  Wow, what a mess!  Of the twenty or so aisles of shoes on racks, about four were men's shoes, and by the time I reached my size (13) there wasn't much there.  But there were a good number of people there poking around, so I suppose it's popular for some.

I feel that we had a breakthrough of sorts around here in the last week, too.  My wife hates to shop for herself. HATES it.  Through some massive stroke of luck, she discovered a clothing store that has clothes that she likes and that she feels look good on her.  So she's made two shopping trips there in the last week, which may be a sort of record for her!  And she has restocked her closet nicely in the process, which was long overdue!

Quick sports updates:  the Kentucky football team was drubbed by Mississippi State Saturday night, their worst loss of the season.  And it will be the New York Mets and the Kansas City Royals battling it out in the World Series starting tomorrow night.  I lean to the Royals, as there are a couple of former Reds on that team and a guy who started his professional career here in Lexington, too.

And that's that!


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