The fix

Happy Friday, all.  I'm enjoying the second of a couple of days off, not to gloat....

Took my wife and granddaughter to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport (also known as CVG in the airline biz) for a flight to Colorado yesterday morning.  Rained the entire way there, rained the whole time I was onsite, and rained for the couple of additional hours I spent in the northern Kentucky area.  And rained all the way home, too.

There's a bit of a trend here....but as I am always quick to say, I have friends in drought-stricken areas, and I certainly sympathize with their current climate situation.  But I'm grateful for rainfall in early August, as it used to be such a rarity.

But it's kinda quiet here, not only because my wife is away, but also because there was a ten-year-old here for about three weeks after her family visited in July.

Later today I'll trek west to Owensboro, about three hours away, where a good friend has planted his flag and settled in the past few months.  He just bought a house, and, though he's not a bad guy in many respects, he did not acquire that do-it-yourself gene that is always necessary (in varying degrees, of course) for home ownership.

I just put my toolbox and drill in the car, as well as an extension cord.  He has already mentioned that there is not a single towel bar in the master bathroom, so I know we'll be addressing that.  I asked him to make a list, and I expect that we'll get after it following a trip to the local home improvement store.

My fee for this effort is a decent dinner and a night's lodging, which my friend is happy to provide.

As regular visitors to this space can attest, I am quick to complain about products and services that are not proving to be viable, and just as quick to give credit where due.  Here's another such example"

When we got my wife a new iPhone 6 last November, she picked out a case for it, a Power Jacket Air Support semi-clear case.  Thin, light, but with a matte finish that would allow the gold color of her new phone to show.  Nice, right?

Not so much.  After a few months it began to peel and crack, and we also had difficulty removing it.

Not long after that, I got an iPad Air 2, to replace an older model.  After trying something else, I got essentially the same thing, the Power Support Air Jacket Clear for the iPad.  Liked it initially, as my wife did hers.  But it did the same thing, the outer finish flaking off in splotches.

These items only carry a 90 day warranty, and we just replaced my wife's iPhone case with the same item I bought for my iPhone 6 Plus, the Tech21EVO.  And we discarded her ruined Air Jacket.  On a side note, I would be tickled if Tech21 made the same product for the iPad Air 2, but as far as I can tell, they do not.

After noting that the second of these cases disintegrated, I wrote to the manufacturer, and to my utter astonishment they offered to either replace the items (BOTH of them!) or provide a store credit to pick out something else.  I opted for the latter, so will decide at a later point what to get in exchange.

I appreciate a manufacturer who stands behind their product, even after the warranty period.

We're also dealing with the airbag replacement recall that has plagued so many brands of cars.  Our two Hondas (my wife's 2005 Accord and my 2007 Pilot) were both part of the recall, and our dealer has already ordered the replacement parts.  Once they come, we'll get those taken care of, and they say it's about 90 minutes per car.  The rep with whom I spoke said that these parts are on a greatly delayed backorder, so let's hope nothing happens with either before the repairs are completed.

Little else to report, so I'll close for now.  Have a good weekend!


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