The ups and downs of the average weekend

Good Monday to a comedian once said, I'm glad the weekend is over.  I couldn't take much more!

My wife and I started the weekend with some ambitious plans, and accomplished virtually everything we intended, albeit a little differently than planned.  Let me explain...

We began the weekend Friday night by attending a minor league baseball game with our grandson, his family and a couple of teammates from his Wee Ball team.  It was league night, and there were a number of teams represented there.  A big win by the home team and fireworks afterward assured a good time for all!

Saturday morning we had some breakfast and went to our grandson's game, which went fine.  From there, our plan had us going back to the garden center to buy what we planned to put in our front yard to finish out the bare place right in front of the house.  I decided to mow first, and then proceeded to begin the task of breaking up the ground with a mattock, a sort of pick-ax like tool.

After twenty or thirty strikes with that tool I realized I needed reinforcements, so we called our son, and he arrived to rescue us with his garden tiller.  That helped a lot, but then when we began to work toward actually planting the items we had selected (four arborvitae, which are bigger than a shrub but not quite a full-fledged tree, plus some ground cover plants) we recognized that many of the roots of a birch tree we had removed a couple of years earlier were in our way.

So began the struggle, made worse by what may have been a near miss with heat exhaustion on my part.  Apparently the time sitting at our grandson's game, plus the garden center, and the yard work prior to this undertaking had gotten the best of me, but after a brief rest and a couple of large servings of ice water, I rejoined the effort.

By the time I got back out there to the action my son had hacked a piece of root about the size of my grandson out of the ground, and things got somewhat easier from there.  But he shouldered most of the workload from there, and has my immense thanks.

To shorten our story, we got everything planted and watered Saturday night, so yesterday I went to buy mulch (that and our plants wouldn't all fit into our SUV) and spread that.  As an aside, I should mention that a few years ago we installed the shredded rubber mulch in our shrub beds and have been pretty happy with the results.  The color stays true, you don't have that awful rotting smell that most natural mulch products produce, and it doesn't decompose and dry out like conventional mulch does.

I must confess I enjoyed a much-needed relaxing afternoon, and helped out by grilling some burgers and other stuff for a family dinner last night.  Big fun!

So, in conclusion, perhaps I'm better off just working as I am today than attempting any out-of-character activities like landscaping and such.  Anyway, here I am, and I suppose the same for you, too, so let's try to make the best of it this week!


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